

Tutorials with a step by step aproach to teach how to use the program. In order to follow these tutorials, you will need some images and data to work. We provide some examples in this page.


This document shows the workflow of a photogrammetric project under e-foto.


Project Creation and Management

The Project Management module is responsible for creating, maintaining and ensuring the integrity of a digital photogrammetric mapping project.


Interior Orientation

efotomodulooriantacaointerioriconThis module aims to reconstruct the internal geometry of the internal perspective rays of the camera, which does the image referencing (image plane) in relation to the camera (the camera optical axis). The Interior Orientation must be run for each photogrammetric images. To follow this tutorial you need the .epp file generated in the project management tutorial.


Exterior Orientation by Space Resection


This module allows users to determine the object-space coordinates of the center of perspective and attitude angles of the camera at the time of the acquisition of the photographic image. The Exterior Orientation should be performed for each photogrammetric image based on the object-space reference.


Exterior Orientation by Phototriangulation

efoto02Phototriangulation is a technique for calculating and adjusting perspective center coordinates and sensor attitude angles at the time images were acquired. This allows the reconstruction of spatial (terrain) coordinates from imagery.


3D Photogrammetric Restitution (Stereo Plotter)

efoto03This module aims to achieve three-dimensional photogrammetric restitution of the land surface represented in a stereoscopic model.


Digital Elevation Model Extraction

efoto01This module allows users to extract a Digital Elevation Model from a set of imagery belonging to a photogrammetric project. In other words, it creates a 3D model of a section of land.



efotoortoAn orthoimage is, by definition, an image geometrically corrected ("orthorectified") such that the scale is uniform: the photo has the same lack of distortion as a map.


Integration with QGis

In this tutorial we will explain the integration of the e-foto products with QGIS.Quantum GIS
