@conference{brito:lvc2008, author = "Jorge Luis Nunes e Silva Brito and Marcelo Teixeira Silveira and Karsten Jacobsen and Sandro Sousa Amorim and Guilherme L{\'u}cio Abelha Mota and Raul Queiroz Feitosa and Christian Heipke", address = "Pequim, China", booktitle = "he XXI Congress The International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing", keywords = "informal settlements, height, monitoring", pages = "835-840", title = "{M}onitoring of {H}eight {C}hanges {I}n {U}rban {A}reas {F}rom {M}ultitemporal, {M}ulti-{S}cale and {M}ulti-{P}latform {R}emotely {S}ensed {D}ata", volume = "XXXVII", year = "2008", }