@conference{laranja2012, author = "Roberta Muniz Laranja and Nathasha Catiusca da Silva Correa and Jorge Luis Nunes e Silva Brito", abstract = "The use of photogrammetry has been increased along the time, mainly due to the development of digital computers and photogrammetric algorithms. The E-FOTO project is being developed in the laboratory of photogrammetry of the UERJ. The E-FOTO main goal is to provide a GNU-GPL Educational, Digital Photogrammetric Workstation. This work presents a set of comparisons of the computations of photogrammetric parameters such as both interior and exterior orientations for a block of 1:30.000 digitized-frame imagery. 3D stereoscopic measurements of a set of photogrammetric testing points were also performed accordingly. The ERDAS LPS photogrammetry Suite was used as a basis for the comparisons of the results of the E-FOTO project. The results have shown so far the potential of use of the E-FOTO DPW software solution.", booktitle = "Anais do IV Simp{\'o}sio Brasileiro de Ci{\^e}ncias Geod{\'e}sicas e Tecnologias da Geoinforma{\c{c}}{\~a}p", isbn = "978-85-63978-01-1", keywords = "E-Foto, Fotogrametria Digital, Mapeamento Fotogram{\'e}trico", month = "maio", pages = "001-007", title = "{M}apeamento {F}otogram{\'e}trico {D}igital de uma {B}acia {H}idrogr{\'a}fica: {U}m {E}studo {C}omparativo de {C}aso {P}ara {B}acia {H}idrogr{\'a}fica do {R}io {P}iabanha nos {A}mbientes {E}-{F}oto e {LPS}.", year = "2012", }