@conference{Lengruber2012, author = "Nat{\'a}lia Vargas Lengruber and Jo{\~a}o Gon{\c{c}}alves Bahia and Luiz Guimaraes Barbosa and Marcelo Sales Moffati", abstract = "This work had the objective of evaluate the quality of the measurements made in the estereoplotter module of the 1.64 version of the E-FOTO, taking as basis field measurements. The E-FOTO is a photogrammetric digital station developed under the free software paradigm, with academic purposes. Due to the fact that the software is in constant upgrading, it often requires the realization of tests that verify if the obtained results may be considered satisfactory to the expected results of a digital aero photogrammetric mapping. Recently has been released the integrated version of the E-FOTO (available in: www.efoto.eng.uerj.br), which allows the creation of a digital aero photogrammetric mapping project in any region of the planet, providing to the interested in the digital photogrammetric area a very efficient tool in the achievement of self-learning trough the practices needed to develop a project of digital aero photogrammetric mapping. From this study, it has been verified that the measurements of features like dot, line and area, and also in the volume estimation made in the stereoplotter of the integrated version of the E-FOTO are precise and can be considered equivalent to the measurements obtained in the field.", booktitle = "Anais do Simp{\'o}sio Brasileiro de Ci{\^e}ncias Geod{\'e}sicas e Tecnologias da Geoinforma{\c{c}}{\~a}p", isbn = "978-85-63978-01-1", month = "maio", pages = "001-0010", title = "{A}valia{\c{c}}{\~a}o da {Q}ualidade das {M}edi{\c{c}}{\~o}es {R}ealizadas no {M}{\'o}dulo de {E}stereoplotter do {S}oftware {L}ivre {E}-{FOTO} ", url = "http://www.ufpe.br/cgtg/SIMGEOIV/CD/", year = "2012", }