Orlando Bernardo Filho (in memoriam)

Personal Information

Position: Professores / Professors
Research areas:

Orlando Bernado Filho é professor.


  • J. A. Ribeiro, J. L. Brito, O. B. (in Memoriam), I. da S. Badolato, R. D. Lima and G. L. Mota. "E-Foto: an educational photogrammetric workstation". Open Source Geospatial Research & Education Symposium (OGRS2018). 2018. [More] 
  • O. B. (in Memoriam), J. L. Brito, I. da S. Badolato, J. A. Ribeiro, G. L. Mota and R. D. Lima. "A Estação Fotogramétrica Digital Educacional Livre E-Foto: Considerações sobre o Desenvolvimento evolutivo e Metas Futuras". Anais do XXVII Congresso Brasileiro de Cartografia. 2017. [More] 
  • J. A. Ribeiro, M. Pierrot-Deseilligny, J. L. Brito, O. B. (in Memoriam) and G. L. Mota. "The Synergy of Open-Source Educational Software Development: The integration of the E-Foto and MicMac Software tools for Digital Photogrammetry". Proceedings of the 3rd Open Source Geospatial Research & Education Symposium OGRS 2014. Jolma, Ari, Sarkola, Pekka, Lehto and Lassi eds. 2014. pp. 47-54. [More] 
  • R. A. Aguiar et al.. "The E-FOTO Project: A free digital photogrammetric workstation for educational purposes developed under the GNU/GPL paradigm". Bronze Prize - 6 CATCON -The XXII Congress of the International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 25 August - 1 September 2012 - Autralia. 2012. [More] 
  • G. L. Mota et al.. "E-Foto: Um commons educacional destinado a fotogrametria digital". Anais da X WSL (Workshop de Software Livre). 2009. pp. 123-128. [More]