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Friday, 14 November 2014 00:19 In News Tags
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Sunday, 17 November 2013 19:55 In Páginas do site Tags
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You can access the e-foto discussion group at Google Groups e-foto
Monday, 07 November 2011 12:50 In Documentos Tags
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livrofotogrametriadigitaltranspO e-book foi o precursor do livro de Fotogrametria Digital de mesmo título. Todos os capítulos estão disponíveis para donwload.

Tuesday, 24 May 2011 10:48 In Páginas do site Tags
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From 2004 and 2007, the  CNPq (Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico) agency sponsored eproject E-foto. Nowadays, other institutions provide support to the project, mainly UERJ (State University Rio de Janeiro), with grants for thecnical support (PROATEC), undergraduate research and trainee. The Brazilian Army (Exército Brasileiro/ Diretoria do Serviço Geográfico) also have sponsored this project by a cooparation to the develpment of the photogrammetric module of the project  SIG-Desktop.


We also are grateful to other institutions wich have provided support to us: Funcate, Instituto Militar de Engenharia , Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística, Companhia de Pesquisa de Recursos Minerais, Instituto Municipal de Urbanismo Pereira Passos and TopoCart.


Tuesday, 24 May 2011 10:18 In Páginas do site Tags
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The logo used for e-Foto is based on a fiducial mark. These marks are located on every aerial photograph taken from a photogrammetric camera, and have calibrated coordinates. They help establish a relationship between image and camera coordinates. This relationship is known as “interior orientation”.

Today, some photogrammetric instruments no longer exhibit these marks. However, its contribution to the development of this science was so important, that we decided to keep a stylized version of one of them as our official logo.

You may download our banner from this website in one of the following ways:

192 x 52 pixels


90 x 33 pixels


80 x 15 pixels


Monday, 23 May 2011 18:17 In Páginas do site Tags
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E-foto is free software, distributed under the terms of the GNU Public License,

This is an academic initiative to develop free software for Digital Photogrammetry. The E-Foto project has been in development at the Photogrammetry Lab of the Rio de Janeiro State University’s School of Engineering since 2004.
The idea behind the E-Foto project was to offer a simple set of software (a free Digital Photogrammetric Workstation) that could help students understand the principles behind Photogrammetry, thus bypassing eventual costs that would have barred many from learning about Photogrammetry. This objective was reached through the development of free and user-friendly photogrammetric software.
This project is multidisciplinary. It involves several fields of knowledge, including Mathematical Modeling, Geodesy, Photogrammetry, and Software Engineering.
The project is based on two main principles (pillars): freedom and self-teaching. The final idea is to lead the students to fully understand the principles behind Photogrammetry by reading the e-book, using the software, taking a look at its source code, and even modifying it or developing new modules for it.

Friday, 13 May 2011 19:47 In Páginas do site Tags
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Fotogrametria Digital (portuguese)

Originating from the e-foto Project and preceded by the e-book, this book offers the basic tools for a layperson in Photogrammetry to awaken interest in the subject and understand it in a clear, didactic and sequential way.

For those who wish to purchase a copy, just order it directly on the EdUerj website (Portuguese only).

A new file of the revised book is available to be consulted academically Revised file

Also available for download is the book's errata (1st Edition) a .

The forerunner of the Digital Photogrammetry Book was an e-book with

Digital Aerial Mapping (english)

Livro VermeerThis book was written by professors Martin Vermeer, from the University of Aalto, Finland, and Getachew Tesfaye Ayehu, University of Bahir Dar, in Ethiopia, with the objective of teaching the concepts of Photogrammetry, using the e-foto software in a good part of the book. Digital Aerial Mapping (English only)