Mapeamento Fotogramétrico Digital: Um Estudo Comparativo da Bacia Hidrográfica do Rio Piabanha nos Ambientes E-Foto e LPS
Hits: 5267
- Research areas:
- Uncategorized
- Year:
- 2013
- Type of Publication:
- In Proceedings
- Keywords:
- photogrammetric, software, engenharia, fotogrametria
- Authors:
- Roberta Muniz Laranja
- Nathasha Catiuscia da Silva Correa
- Jorge Luis Nunes e Silva Brito
- Editor:
- José Carlos Neves Epiphanio, Lênio Soares Galvão
- Book title:
- Anais XVI Simpósio Brasileiro de Sensoriamento Remoto - SBSR
- Pages:
- 2134-2140
- Organization:
- Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais
- Month:
- abril
- 978-85-17-00065-2
- Abstract:
- The use of photogrammetry has been potentiated due to the great need for rigorous planning, in line with the demands of new times. In order to have students trained and other stakeholders in the area of photogrammetry has been developed the software E-FOTO, in order to supply the lack of free softwares in this area of knowledge, since the other existing ones are expensive. The project E-FOTO is based on the philosophy of self-learning and a program components in free, open source and, tending to the basic principles of the free software community. As a contribution to the development of the project E-FOTO, this article technical, opted to choose an area where there was a busy relief, where the deformations are larger and the correlations Between the images are not so simple to achieve. In order to test the ability of E-FOTO to work with this type of region we used the software ERDAS IMAGINE, specifically the module LPS, a commercial software already established in the labor market as a parameter for comparison of results obtained. It is important to remember that this project was done when the E-foto software has not worked in an integrated way, in 2011. Currently, in 2013, there have been numerous implementations, and the software has integrated all its functions and presenting their increasingly satisfactory results. Recently, the E-foto was awarded the third place in the 6th CATCON, a competition called educational software for photogrammetry, which occurred in Australia during the Congress of the International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, which signals to us all the frank evolution of this software to the academic community